Sunday, February 07, 2010

Kelly Ripa Is the bomb...super Bowl sunday

ok super bowl was a blast ...but last nite my hubby/boyfriend had a great time....(we don't go out too much we are really home bodies...) at a
little boutique bar /restaurant called the Kontiki in Wellington ,Florida. Two nites in a row I crazy? Friday nite was girls nite out friday nite.... Kelly Ripa was in the HOUSE at Kontiki she is so much fun, precious and extremely personable.... I really do not like to encroach a celebs bubble but she was too engaging and we had to address that I had a minor thing in common SUNSHINES in NEVIS (north of Trinidad) a half mile from the 4
Seasons HOTEL.... a shack on the beach where they totally take fresh to the next level want a lobster tail? BAM... a kid literally puts a mask on and dives for it... spears it ...then brings it back for Sunshne to cook with his special sauce unbelievable...not too mention the KILLER BEE a drink they serve down there that will also take you to another level... Kelly knew a lot about the Killer Bee ....she is way cool...ok what does this have to do with creating a beach pad ...absolutely nothing but tomorrow will have some great ideas for you to consider when you get ready for Spring...and if you are afraid of white ...let me just say one word SLIPCOVERS my dear are the way to go...more later on this subject.

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" Beauty. . .


you look

into a

woman's eyes

. . . and see

what is in

her heart. "

~Nate Dircks

music for Your soul may turn the music off if you don't need any soul...